7 Smart Ways To Use Leftovers And Lose Weight

7 Smart Ways To Use Leftovers And Lose Weight

Planning ahead is vital when it comes to losing weight. Often we have good intentions when it comes to eating healthily, but life gets in the way, and we resort to grabbing quick snacks or ordering take-out. But, by cooking in batches and keeping a store of well-thought-out leftovers, quick and easy home cooking is…

Family Exercise Ideas for Your Fitness Journey

Family Exercise Ideas for Your Fitness Journey

Incorporating family workouts into your weight loss journey is a fun way to mix up your daily fitness routine. Whether losing weight, training for a race, starting a new eating plan, or learning to deal with a chronic disease, the support, and involvement of your family makes a huge difference. One of the biggest lifestyle…

Woman enjoying a shrimp against orange background.

7 Natural Weight Loss Foods

If you prefer the more natural route, when it comes to weight loss, we have good news – science shows certain plants possess beneficial properties that make them superfoods! While none of these additions will provide automatic results, incorporating one or more of them into your diet may prove beneficial for your waist and your…

Can Pizza Be Healthy? 15 Pizza Facts, Tips, and Recipes!

Can Pizza Be Healthy? 15 Pizza Facts, Tips, and Recipes!

Thankfully, we come bearing good news: healthy pizza exists! Better yet, it can act as a wholesome meal within almost any diet! While it’s true that traditional pizza can be full of empty calories and unhealthy fat, there are many ways to make this comfort food more nutritious. Here we’ll give you eight practical tips…