The Low-Carb vs. Low-Fat Diet Debate

The Low-Carb vs. Low-Fat Diet Debate

Low carb? Low fat? Calorie counting? With each new post on social media, people suggest a new diet to lose weight quickly. We mostly hear recommendations for low-carb or low-fat diets while always staying aware of total calories. All of the different advice can be confusing, so here we’ll talk a little about the pros and cons of…

The 10 Most Googled Diets of 2017

The 10 Most Googled Diets: Winners & Losers

It’s almost New Year’s Eve, so you may be thinking about some resolutions… or reflecting on past years’ resolutions. One of the most common changes people hope for is improving their eating habits. Unfortunately, this healthy resolution – like most others – is often abandoned after a few weeks or months. The main reason we…