OTC Appetite Suppressant Similar to Phentermine

OTC Appetite Suppressant Similar to Phentermine

Looking for an OTC appetite suppressant similar to phentermine? So, if you’re hoping to lose a few pounds this year, you may be on the hunt for an OTC appetite suppressant similar to phentermine. Back up… Phentermine? ? Phentermine is the most widely-prescribed prescription appetite suppressant in the US. It is available as tablets or capsules,…


The Best Ingredients in Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss supplements can help men achieve their body composition goals by improving metabolic health, increasing the body’s fat-burning ability, and decreasing cravings. The right weight loss pill will support other weight loss habits like diet and exercise and drive consistent results over time. The best weight loss supplements on the market are formulated with…

What is Phentermine?

What is Phentermine?

Phentermine is the most-prescribed appetite suppressant in the United States, but still only used by a small percentage of qualifying patients. Below is a basic summary of this popular weight loss medication. To learn more about phentermine – including about the pills’ purpose, side effects and potential results – check out our full article: Phentermine:…

Infographic on diet vs lifestyle changes for weight loss.

Diet or Lifestyle Change?

If you want to lose weight, you’ve probably done some research or talked to someone about the best way to slim down. Friends and family may recommend a specific diet or workout routine, but doctors, dietitians and other medical professionals will typically recommend a lifestyle change. This infographic summarizes the main differences between a diet…